Housing Services

Starting as a Landlord

Starting as a Landlord

Owning your first rental property is both exciting and intimidating. Being a new landlord entails a slew of challenges, triumphs, and unavoidable blunders. There are a lot of factors that come into play that essentially determine how successful you are as a landlord. First-time landlords are faced with the highs and lows of the business,…

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1000 667 Your Savings Checklist
Section 8 Housing Tenant Rights You Should Know

Section 8 Housing Tenant Rights You Should Know

There are laws in place that protect the rights of section 8 tenants. Most people don't know them or are scared to exercise these rights for fear of reprisal by the landlord. Section 8 tenants have rights that can be exercised under any circumstance, and by working with their HUD office, these rights can be…

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1000 667 Your Savings Checklist
How Much of Your Income Should You Spend on Your House?

How Much of Your Income Should You Spend on Your House?

Renting an apartment or buying a house, the general question that flows through the average persons' mind is how much of the total income should go into housing as a whole. Housing is the biggest line item in the budget for most households, but it's extremely difficult to know how much you should spend. Pooling…

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1000 733 Your Savings Checklist
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